Hair care routine for low porosity hair

by Vaishali Bana

Hair porosity is one thing that you should consider while choosing the right hair care products. However, for a person with little knowledge about low hair porosity, this might seem to be an alien topic. Well if you are here and reading this article, it will help you get a brief knowledge regarding what is low hair porosity and how you should plan your hair care routine for low porosity hair.

What is Low Hair Porosity?

Low porosity hair’s cuticles lie flat on each other and are tightly arranged that makes a sort of barrier which prevents the moisture from reaching the ends. All this makes it difficult for the natural oils to reach the end that makes your hair frizzy, dry and dull. One of the easiest ways to check whether you have low porosity hair  or not is to observe how long it takes your hair to get wet under the shower. Here are some of the other characteristics of low porosity hair.

  • Repels moisture
  • Easily accumulates product build-up
  • Has dry ends
  • Takes a long time to get fully wet in the shower
  • Takes a long time to air dry

Hence, to care for low porosity hair, focus should be on helping it retain moisture. The ultimate goal is to improve your hair’s ability to hold onto moisture so it can grow longer and look its best. So, choosing the right hair care products is one of the essential keys to healthier, shiner and stronger hair.

Top Tips for Hair Care Routine for Low Porosity Hair  

1. Lightweight Oils are Best for Low Porosity hair

  • Choose the Right Oils:

By now you already know that low porosity hair has tightly closed cuticles, so using lightweight oils like almond oil and argan oil would be beneficial as these can penetrate the cuticles and nourish your hair effectively.

  • Hydrate for Stronger Hair:

There are various hydrating oils available in the market that are crucial for low porosity hair. Using them will help keep your hair strong and healthy, promoting growth.

2. Use Heat When Deep Conditioning

  • Warm Water:

Use lukewarm water in the shower. This will open your hair cuticles and help your hair in better absorption of conditioner

  • Heat Caps:

For deep conditioning, using a heat cap or a simple shower cap can also work well to retain body heat. This way your cuticles will open and allow your hair to soak in the treatment.

3. Steam Your Hair

  • Benefits of Steam:

Steaming can also be used to open up hair cuticles, and  letting the moisture penetrate deeply in the low porosity hair.

  • How to Use Steam:

It is advised to steam your hair while applying conditioning or styling products. The steam will let these products work more effectively.

4. Beware of Protein

  • Protein Sensitivity:

Low porosity hair is sensitive to protein because its cuticles are already tight. So, using products with too much protein can only lead to hair stiff and make them more prone to breakage.

  • Choose Protein-Free Products:

Opting for protein-free conditioners and treatments will be more beneficial. So, always look for products with ingredients like honey and natural oils for moisture retention.

5. Avoid Heavy Products

Skip Heavy Creams and Butters:

These kinds of products can be hard for low porosity hair to absorb, leading to unwanted build-up over the hair and scalp. Instead, it is advisable to use lighter products that won’t sit on top of your hair.

6. Treat & Prevent Build-Up

  • Clarifying Products:

Low porosity hair is more prone to build-up. So, having a clarifying product in your hair care routine will be helpful in keeping your hair clean and preventing product accumulation.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse:

It is a cleansing agent. You can mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 1 cup of water. Massage into your hair after shampooing and before conditioning to remove build-up.

7. Look for Water-Based Products

  • Always Check Ingredients:

Lightweight, water-based products work like magic for low porosity hair. If water is listed as the first or second ingredient, it’s a good sign the product will work well for your hair.

8. Swap Your Pillowcase

  • Use Satin or Silk:

Cotton pillowcases can tangle and dry out your hair. Switch to satin or silk pillowcases to retain moisture and reduce breakage.

  • Wear a Hair Cap:

Wearing a hair cap can help your hair to retain moisture and keep your hair protected while you sleep.

Hopefully, the above information on hair care routine for low porosity hair. On the internet, you would find various articles but I have mentioned only the most relevant points that are easily doable. 

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. WellBeans does not claim responsibility for this information.

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